The team that brought you four distinct games for Velox Fabula 2 is proud to present just one distinct game this time around: LORE & ORDER.

Take justice into your own hands — but not in like a violent way or anything. We're not condoning violence against political enemies in any capacity.

I mean, like, decide a legal case. That's what I mean by taking justice into your own hands. I guess it's taking justice into the law's hands, actually. Whatever.

Also, you're an eldritch demon monster thing or whatever.

Created for Velox Turbo 2 in just 4 days!
About 4,000 words, to be played in one go.
5 horrific, gut-churning, politically neutral jurors
1 Politically Relevant Defendant (PRD)
An ambient soundtrack that's about as unnerving as the real thing.
Oodles of content warnings, including overt racism, sexism, profanity and conservatism.
Influence People and Alienate Yourself <3

Download the game for the best experience :-)
Warning! This game contains MINOR flickering animations, which can be disabled in the options.

Director and Writer - Michael Smith
Writer and Narrative Overseer - Jake Shepherd
Art and Monster Weaving- Teletuu
GUI - lunamakaio games
SFX and Sound Mastery - Rombuffer
Additional Credits: Vecteezy, Freepik


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I like the law-wordplay with "lore", also the mallet-hammer at the title-screen as pointer, nice room and talks - or rather whispers, for the sound (realistic atmosphere), uhm but can scroll game's texts with the mouse-wheel to re-/appear.

seeing bits of an error on top, saying something about codinglines weren't readable? throughout the scene but also when stating the game. something like: properties and transactions...

still the game continues, same as its audio works perfect during&after those texts in-game.


this is intense! the dialogue BITES & i absolutely love how all the different jurors look.



very lovely game haha, hits close home